Sleep Apnea Solutions

Customized Plans to Breathe Better to Sleep Better

Untreated OSA can have serious impacts on your health and quality of life. Our team of specialists-therapists, dentists, and physicians work collaboratively to create personalized solution plans suited to your specific needs, preferences, and lifestyle.

Treatment Options

Depending on your requirements, we may suggest oral appliances, upper airway surgery, or a combination of the two. Our specialists determine the best possible course of treatment for your case.
Closeup of middle aged woman with blonde hair, laying on her stomach, resting her head on her pillow with her eyes open looking very tired, as if it's been a long night & she hasn't been able to sleep.
Middle aged woman with blonde hair relaxing, smiling in her living room, on her couch, as she looks out her window at the sunset with her hands nicely folded & rested gently behind her head. As if she's just had a great day.

Oral Appliance Treatment Programs

Dentists at our practice fit custom-made oral appliances to support the lower jaw slightly forward and avoid letting the airway collapse. During follow-up visits, proper fitting adjustment is made as required.

Progress Tracking

We monitor your progress and response to therapy over time through follow-up visits, remote monitoring, and sleep testing for continued success in managing OSA.

Our collaborative team works together with you to design a customized, overarching plan that addresses OSA through multiple pathways of therapeutic intervention. Let’s work together to end your symptoms and restore refreshing sleep.