Travel Hacks: Tips for Healthy Sleep Anywhere in the World
Sleep experts say that anyone embarking on an international journey or doing a cross-country drive will experience sleep disruptions, for its part, caused by unfamiliar surroundings and time changes.
However, arming travelers with some smart sleep-friendly strategies will allow them to get the best sleep in odd places. Having done their homework makes waking up fresh possible so that one can best enjoy the world’s tourist destinations.
Pack compressed eye masks blocking light from devices, windows, or early sunrises as conflicts of the external biological body clocks. Pack some small noise machines, fans, or apps with white noise to mask unfamiliar environmental sounds.
Bring along Melatonin supplements as a natural support to our circadian rhythms and minimize jet lag, especially when crossing multiple time zones. Dose around 5 hours before you want to be asleep taking into consideration the destination’s timing, 1-2 mg.
Stick to normal sleep-wake schedules on vacations as feasible avoiding excessive sleep debt that will interfere with the next day’s functioning. Choose accommodations that have solid blackout curtains if you are light-sensitive and bothered by morning light.

Avoid naps during the day lasting longer than required which leaves one groggy upon waking compared to refreshing. Naps shorter than 30 minutes may allow for shifting without interfering with nighttime sleep.
Wear blue light-blocking glasses for a few hours pre-bedtime to prevent electronics and screens from disturbing your circadian rhythms when planning for travel in the evenings.
Pack hydrating snacks, and avoid heavy, sugary, or fried foods, particularly at night when digestive processes require blood flow, which is counterproductive to rest.
If some prep before setting out considers ways in which people normally sleep, getting snug anywhere in the world satisfies every travel feeling refreshed and energized for whatever adventures lie ahead wherever curiosity may roam. Bon voyage!
Pack inflatable neck pillows and travel blankets along with your favorite jammies and make similar sleep routines while away from home comforts. It may be beneficial to keep comfortable sleepwear separate from dresswear when exploring so the bed does not feel like a workspace.