Orthodontic Tooth Movement with Oral Sleep Therapy

If you require realignment of your bite through orthodontic treatment, combining appliances can enhance results. The same oral devices that treat sleep apnea can also facilitate tooth movement and jaw growth guidance.

At Snoring and Sleep Solutions of Nevada, we help our patients take care of bite issues and sleep disorders via coordinated oral therapies. After consulting with your orthodontist, custom appliances worn at night can gently shift teeth into desired positions.

Let’s read on to learn how this integrative approach benefits your smile and sleep.

Orthodontic Tooth Movement Needs Consistent Gentle Force 

Braces rely on prolonged force to gradually shift teeth. Patients wear braces full-time so teeth realign as desired. However, issues like poor compliance with brace wear often hinder progress.

This is where supplemental oral appliance therapy can assist your orthodontic treatment. When they are worn at night, the custom-fit devices provide continuous & constant bite force on the teeth. This consistent pressure facilitates desirable tooth movement and jaw alignment.

Oral appliances offer various advantages like:

  • Comfortable fit for wearing during sleep.
  • Portable and easy to use alongside braces. 
  • Can incorporate orthodontic hooks/features.
  • A good option for adults less tolerant of full braces.
  • Reduces the need for headgear wear by guiding growth.
  • Also improves sleep apnea, snoring, and headaches.

With orthodontist collaboration, devices are designed to target specific dental issues like:

  • Front teeth crowding, spacing, or protrusion.
  • Crossbites needing correction.
  • Overbite or underbite conditions.
  • Misaligned midlines.
  • Promoting ideal developmental growth.

Accelerated Results and Lasting Stability

Patients who combine custom oral appliances with braces often see results, such as:

  • Faster overall treatment times.
  • Less need for tooth extractions.
  • More complete bite corrections.
  • Reduced relapse after braces are removed.
  • Improved facial symmetry from optimal growth guidance.


By providing round-the-clock bite forces, oral devices supplement and boost treatment progress. Your teeth also remain stable in their new positions longer with proper retention strategies.

Before considering extraction or headgear alternatives, discuss combination therapy benefits with your orthodontist and sleep doctor. The integrative approach can enhance your smile transformation and sleep quality simultaneously.

A Team Approach to Your Needs

At Snoring and Sleep Solutions of Nevada, we enjoy collaborating across specialties for patients’ benefit. With expertise in oral devices for sleep/airway therapy and dental alignment, our providers can identify appliance designs to uniquely meet your goals.

By marrying custom night time devices with already existing braces or aligner treatment options, it opens the doors towards faster orthodontic tooth movement and correction. This allows your teeth to slide into position smoothly and stay there. No sleep sacrifice for a perfect smile!

Schedule an appointment to discuss whether adjunctive oral treatment might help enhance your orthodontic experience. We look forward to working in tandem with your smile specialists for great results. Straight teeth ahead and sweeter sleep!