Oral Appliance Therapy and Alternatives to CPAP
Oral appliance therapy is an alternative treatment option for CPAP machines for patients who cannot tolerate their CPAP machines.
As your exclusive provider of Prosomnus appliances in Las Vegas, we strive to enlighten you on this individualized treatment approach.
These are called mandibular advancement devices, or MADs, and are just examples of customized mouthpieces, like mouthguards. During sleep, these oral appliances advance the lower jaw without force, keeping the airway open to prevent these throat tissues from collapsing, which causes sleep apnea episodes.
These devices enhance breathing; symptoms like loud snoring, choking, and daytime drowsiness have decreased in patients who have used oral appliances.
Clinical trials for prosomnus devices have shown that, through several independent, peer-reviewed studies, they have been shown to significantly improve the quality of sleep in patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
Conclusion: Better restful sleep, renewal of energy levels, as well as better general health, can be achieved by reducing disruptions during sleep compared to untreated sleep apnea.
An oral appliance is another less invasive alternative to CPAP therapy. Oral appliances are easier on the patient, providing better comfort and greater convenience for the user. They are also portable for traveling without bulky equipment and much quieter to use, which also improves the bed partner’s sleeping environment, also. It is easy for patients to experience a better quality of life without the pressure of getting CPAP masks placed every night before bed.
The assembly process included dental impressions and an in-office fabrication time with a custom fit to accurately match every patient’s jaw and bite structure for optimal comfortable fit. The initial titration office procedure establishes the most favorable jaw position. There is a settling phase as the mouth adjusts, though most patients find their pain mild and over in a few weeks.
Normal follow-up appointments allow our skilled dentists the opportunity to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and, accordingly, to make gentle increases as needed over the passage of months.
Used daily, oral appliances have been shown to reduce AHI scores and eliminate snoring and other sleep-related breathing disruptions, much like CPAP therapy, only without most of the associated difficulties.
If you have had trouble to date with effective management of obstructive sleep apnea but hate the hassle of CPAP, the custom fit that an oral appliance can provide might be what you have been looking for.
Call our office today to see if a Prosomnus appliance is the right fit for you and rediscover refreshed, rejuvenating sleep naturally.