Managing TMJ Discomfort with Oral Sleep Appliances

Some clients develop moderate jaw tenderness from the oral appliance therapy for treating obstructive sleep apnea at Snoring and Sleep Solutions of Nevada.

As the only providers of custom Prosomnus appliances in Las Vegas, we address holistic methods.

Learn how to temporarily handle some TMJ tenderness that can sometimes be associated with introducing new oral appliance therapy through stretches, massage, over-the-counter pain relief, and proper long-term fit with Snoring and Sleep Solutions of Nevada.
Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Supporting TMJ for Your Care of Custom-Fitted Prosomnus Devices.

The mild discomfort rarely happens as the muscles adapt to the repositioned mandible with oral appliances. Soft long-term positioning holds the irritating symptoms at bay or makes them worse because reliance on medication builds.

Soft jaw stretches and superficial massage of temporalis and masseter muscles quiet sensitive spots. Finger kneading and side-to-side movements relax tightened areas naturally. Ice compresses or heating pads counter-irritation too.

Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen temporarily avoid pain until the stretches and massage become taken seriously. Yet not relying on any medications minimally avoids the use of potentially medicating other issues; natural treatments address jaw sources safely.

Schedule appointments next couple of weeks if you continue to feel some discomfort because we can enhance the position preventing undue stress. Digital radiographs show minute changes in eliminating pain naturally over progressive minor adjustments.

Home relaxation techniques combined with judicious use maximize mandibular positioning to prevent worse flare-ups.

We can cure apnea by having a solution tailored specifically to the case of solving the apnea while saving precious dental functions for years ahead. But you deserve to experience all the wellness benefits you can get!