How Oral Appliances Prevent Sleep Apnea Events
If you’ve received a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea, you may be wondering exactly how oral appliances work to stop disruptive breathing disturbances during sleep.
As the exclusive provider of Prosomnus oral devices in Las Vegas, understanding the mechanics behind this non-invasive therapy is key to deciding if it’s right for you.
OSA is a syndrome that happens when the soft tissues in your throat collapse and could end up partially or completely blocking your airway during sleep. This prevents normal breathing flow and triggers arousal as the body sounds an alarm to reopen passages.
Over time, these repeated disruptions rob sleep of restorative depth leading to serious health issues if left untreated.
Most oral appliances function by gently advancing the lower jaw forward to maintain an open nasopharyngeal airway. This physically prevents the tongue and soft palate from obstructing breathing by holding tissues out of the way.
Prosomnus devices are custom-fitted using precise impressions and monitored adjustments to optimally align the jaw just enough to eliminate collapse without causing discomfort.
Once asleep wearing their oral appliance, patients can breathe easily without obstruction. Air Flow sensor monitoring through home sleep tests before and after treatment documents the reduction or cessation of apnea events as passages remain patent all night without interruption. No longer arousing repeatedly from lost breathing prompts deeper, more restorative slumber.
Scientific studies show these mandibular advancement appliances effectively resolve mild to moderate sleep apnea in many cases simply by mechanically stenting open upper airways through small changes in jaw positioning.
Compliance proves high due to comfort lacking tubes, masks, and machinery of other therapies. Consistency optimizes outcomes.
By maintaining the integrity of the airway, the medical mechanism behind oral appliances directly addresses the root cause of OSA. Contact our practice to see if a custom-fitted Prosomnus device provides the non-invasive solution right for naturally resolving your disrupted breathing and restoring restful sleep. Complimentary consultations help determine the best personalized treatment approach.
For balancing peak performance throughout busy days, experts recommend planning strategic napping windows aligned with individual circadian cycles. Most benefit from snoozes scheduled 2-4 pm to capitalize when natural alertness temporarily dips. Set a 20-minute maximum to avoid excessive afternoon GRO sleep or disrupted nighttime rest.
Proper napping environments free from blue light stimulation and noise optimize restorative benefits. Blackout curtains, eye masks, and sound machines help relaxation take hold rapidly versus distraction prolonging the snooze. A calm mind-body also prevents oversleeping durations risking grogginess upon waking versus restored clarity.
With strategic planning utilizing science-backed techniques, afternoon naps need not detract from later bedtime slumber or productivity. Instead, brief bouts of well-timed rest inject energy optimizing focus hours to come. For powering through demanding days, a little discipline tweaking snoozes extends their benefits exponentially.