Financing Options for Custom Oral Sleep Appliances

As the exclusive specialists providing customized oral appliance therapy through Snoring and Sleep Solutions of Nevada, we understand upfront costs can seem daunting for those in need of effective obstructive sleep apnea treatment.

However, multiple financing choices now exist for spreading payments over time, making customized Prosomnus care more affordable and accessible for individuals and families.

Out-of-pocket costs average between $1,500-$3,000 including initial diagnosis, multiple adjustment visits, and digital scanning technologies furnishing optimally-fitted devices contoured for natural, comfortable function. Repairs or periodic replacements over 5-7 year life spans maintain benefits, yet insurance policies vary.

Our in-house providers work with leading medical financing companies ensuring pre-qualification on same-day applications for convenient low-interest loans covering entire Prosomnus treatment costs.

Quick approvals get clients started improving health immediately without delay. Flexible repayment terms from 6-36 months suit varied budgets.

Insurance pre-authorization specialists verify potential mandibular device coverage based on submitted clinical records demonstrating medical necessity. While the approved amount partially offsets initial investments, loans cover balances promoting smoother transitions into non-CPAP solutions.

Seeking documentation from primary care physicians expands insurers’ recognition of oral appliances as legitimate first-line therapies and reduces out-of-pocket portions significantly. We aid in obtaining supporting paperwork increasing chances of higher reimbursements over time.

Creative financing helps committed patients access customized care through affordable monthly installments tailored specifically for dental services.

Don’t let upfront balances discourage natural treatment capable of eliminating risks from severe, untreated apnea disrupting lives long-term.

Investing in health preserves quality living over decades, outweighing short-term costs many times over. Together through flexible financing, we can help get patients sleeping and thriving comfortably each night. Your well-being remains our priority.